Use rich text in console output like a pro

· 1 min read
Use rich text in console output like a pro
console output in unity

In Unity, the console is the most important place where we debug and output variables or objects. Here is an example of the console output in Unity:

Is there anyway we can customize the output like the following?

The answer is yes. Create a script and attached it as a component in your GameManager or Main Camera.

Create a script and put it under your project. You don't have to attach it to any game object.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public static class DebugUtil {

    public static string AddBoldTag(this string text) {
        return text.AddTag("b");

    public static string AddItalicTag(this string text) {
        return text.AddTag("i");

    public static string AddSizeTag(this string text, int size) {
        return text.AddTag("size", size);

    public static string AddColorTag(this string text, string colorName) {
        return text.AddTag("color", colorName);

    private static string AddTag(this string text, string tagName) {
        return $"<{tagName}>{text}</{tagName}>";

    private static string AddTag(this string text, string tagName, object value1) {
        return $"<{tagName}=\"{value1}\">{text}</{tagName}>";

To use:

var logBulletTime = "running bullet: " + bulletLifeTime.ToString();