In C#, we can easily add or subtract two dates just like numbers.

Example of getting how many days, weeks of two dates

// Get time difference between two date
DateTime oldDateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
DateTime newDateTime = DateTime.Now;

TimeSpan ts = newDateTime - oldDateTime;

// calculate how many days in integer
Console.WriteLine("difference in days: "+ts.Days);
// difference in days: 370

// calculate how many days in float 
Console.WriteLine("difference in days: "+ts.TotalDays);
// difference in days: 370.28024628126155

// calculate how many weeks in float
Console.WriteLine("difference in weeks: "+ts.TotalDays/7);

Unfortunately C# does not provide a convenient method which can easily tell us the months or years between two dates according to the official doc:

"TimeSpan is internally represented as a number of milliseconds.  While
this maps well into units of time such as hours and days, any
periods longer than that aren't representable in a nice fashion.
For instance, a month can be between 28 and 31 days, while a year
can contain 365 or 364 days.  A decade can have between 1 and 3 leapyears,
depending on when you map the TimeSpan into the calendar.  This is why
we do not provide Years() or Months()."

However we can use the following work around:

// calculate how many months
var monthDiff = ((newDateTime.Year - oldDateTime.Year) * 12) + 
                newDateTime.Month - oldDateTime.Month;
Console.WriteLine("difference in months: "+ monthDiff);